Board Attendance: Sister Ellen Fischer, Jill Carone, Jess Sweet, Kaitlin Fauerbach, Heather Marcalus, Kelly Millard, Rebecca Geiger, Rebecca Cabrera, Ann Papciak (absent), Carrie Grandzol
Reminders: ★ Winter Uniforms are in effect!
Mark your calendar:
★ Book Fair: 10/24/22 - 10/28/22
★ November 15, 2022, 6:00 - Casino Night Planning Meeting
★ Casino Night - April 14, 2023
★ May 6, 2023 - Nomad Left Behind 5K Run
Next Meeting:
★ November 15, 2022, 7:00 pm SJS Library
➢ VOTE: unanimous vote of board members present to approve $2400 for purchase of rubber mulch and listed playground equipment.
➢ VOTE: unanimous vote of board members present to approve $200 for purchase of new binding machine for teachers
Principal Announcements:
➢ School Pictures Friday, 10/21/22 - Dress uniform, PreK dress down. Spring pictures will be dress down for everyone
➢ Winter Uniforms are in eect. Please visit the closet in the cafeteria if you are looking for particular items before you purchase.
➢ Book Fair 10/24/22 - 10/28/22
➢ Eight 6th Graders are participating in WEBS (Women Empowered by Science) at Wilkes University
➢ Congratulations to Forensics Team
➢ First Quarter ends in the 1st week of November. Report cards and Parent Conferences will take place in November Vice President Announcements:
➢ Boscovs’s Day Wednesday, October 19, 2022
➢ Halloween Parties: HR Parents connect with teachers about partly logistics; the schedule will work around the Trunk or Treat. Snacks are OK (prefer not home baked), no juice. Early dismissal day (teacher inservice) Treasurer Announcements:
➢ Provided budget update (handout). New items include Sprink 5K Budget,
Race for Education revenue, Dine and Donate revenue, Veteran’s Day budget.
➢ PTG shirts have been ordered - expected to arrive in approximately 2 weeks
➢ Looking into spirit store for winter
Secretary Announcements:
➢ 72% Family participation in PTG - up from last year
➢ Mrs. Camasso’s class won the family participation challenge with 100% participation. They will be receiving a dress down day Race for Education:
➢ Money is still coming in but current revenue is $25,156, with 80% family participation. Students will receive fun “candy” themed say in November
➢ Dress down cards for participants are being calculated
➢ Playground Equipment - Rubber mulch approximately $2000 to replace, hopscotch etc on blacktop, approximately $100, volleyball net, soccer balls.
➢ Prismatic Laser Bullying program was a success
➢ Meetings for Spring 5K will start after the new year (Date May 6, 2023)
Spring Fundraiser:
➢ Casino Night - April 14, 2023 at Sand Springs, 7:00-11:00pm - Planning meeting will be 11/15/6:00 (before PTG Meeting)
Publicity/Parish Relations:
➢ Harvest Fest Friday - Food and fun and costumes!
➢ Caring Kids Club - 30+ kids are involved - more are still welcome to join!
➢ Veteran’s Day - after Mass on 11/9/22. Will be serving cake and punch
Field Trips:
➢ Need input from teachers. Discussed sending them a list of possibilities (e.g., Camp Kresge, Circus, Lackawanna Train Museum)
Trunk or Treat:
➢ October 31, 2022
➢ 25 Families signed up - they will be passing out candy (no prefilled bags this year)
➢ Approximately 270 participants, plus Little Lambs
President Closing:
➢ 9/19/22 Dine and Donate at the Brass Buckle - Raised $398 - Looking for a venue for November
Thanks for the info!